Transalpine accommodation facilities Transylvania

A series of accommodation services offered by Casa Artemis are at your disposal to create a dream stay: relaxation lounge, wireless, swiming heated pool Transylvania, heated tub Transilvania, gazebo, filigree, barbecue, terrace, tennis table, hammock, swing. You can walk or bike on the Pian Valley.

Ping Pong table - free of charge

A more relaxing sports activity is table tennis. Imagine a quiet afternoon after a busy day, in the company of friends at a small table tennis championship.

You can enjoy 'ping pong table - free of charge' so that the time spent at Casa Artemis on Transalpina in Transylvania will be unforgettable.


Check-in: 15-24 Check-out: 7-11



jud. ALBA loc. Pianu de Sus (517537)
str. nr. 126

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Phone: +40744560411